Product Detail
Ride-On Electric Pallet Truck ET-25,Electric Pallet Truck
Ride-On Electric Pallet Truck ET-25 Features:1: The innovative AC System is for capable of providing rapid response, accurate control, impactstructure, superior performance and longer battery service life.2: World class and high performance hydraulic power pack, with lower noise, less vibration andexcellent leak tightness, automatically adjusts the rate of decline whether loaded or unloaded, andensures smooth lifting.3: Advanced regenerative braking guarantee low energy consumption, increasing the workingefficiency.4: High-strength frame designed for tough pallet handling tasks. It has been engineered to be bothpowerful and flexible to meet requirements for various demanding applications.5: The unique suspension driving floating adjustable system design, ensures the truck less vibration,stable, no till while turning in high speed, guarantees the accurate operator's operating handle freelyand easily with full load, and could adjust operating force of handle to ease operator according tovarious workplace6: High capacity industry battery strongly powered the truck to meet the demands for many heavyduties applications. The truck is equipped with an industrial vehicle battery that provides ample marginfor hours of operation.7: Intelligent and modular designs enhance easier operation, convenient dismantle and quick service.Excellent performance of getting in and out of empty pallet greatly increases the operation efficiency.8: Dual robust lifting cylinders, connecting the right and left of truck frame with a synchronous con-rod,ensures stably lifting and lowering even under unbalance loading.Performance:1: Ergonomically designed and built Handle is increasing your comfort during operation. Easy accessfor either one-hand or two-hand operation.2: Updated Electric Powering Steering System, the truck can be operated with ease because of thesteering handle's convenient position and short arm. This configuration provides for operation with alight touch, even when handling heavy loads. It ensures easy lifting and lowering as well as steering ofloads.3: Intelligent and modular controlling system ensures the steadiness and safety for walking, lifting,lowering and braking.4: Optional automatic folding pedal could reduce the operator's fatigue for large warehouses and longdistance transport tasks.5: Optional foldable protecting guards greatly enhanced operator's safety and comfort.6: Sideway design made battery changing easier for multi-shift environment, and saves your time,providing more uptimes.Safety:1: The Anti-Reverse safety button mounted at the top of the handle reverses the truck direction toprevent the operator from being caught between the truck and the obstacle on unexpected occasions.2: Reliable and proven intelligent controller has many functions such as regenerative braking, reversebraking and parameter adjustments, etc. It's designed and used for smooth and responsive control ofthe driving and reverse speed.3: The adjustable floating driving system design, ensures the truck less vibration, more stability, notilling when turning in high speed. The FDS design guarantees the accurate and easy handle operationwith full load, and automatically adjusts operation efforts of handle to ease operator according tovarious workplaces.4: Especially innovated speed deceleration system automatically reduces the travel speed whenturning and greatly improved the loading stability, avoiding possibility of load tipping over and makingoperate safer.(Optional)5: Ramp braking standard to minimize the possibility of unexpected or uncontrolled travel speed orreverse travel when loading and unloading on an incline.6: Easy-Access Emergency plug mounted on upright side of truck frame help operator take immediateaction if any emergency occurs.7: Especially innovated speed deceleration system automatically reduces the travel speed whenturning and greatly improved the loading stability, avoiding possibility of load tipping over and makingoperate safer.(Optional)Serviceability:1: Self-Diagnostics provided direct fault code readout during operation and start up, which is ease ofservice and maintenance. No need external hand set analyzer any more.2: High capacity industry battery strongly powered the truck to meet the demands for many heavyduties applications. The truck is equipped with an industrial vehicle battery that provides ample marginfor hours of operation.3: Easy opening battery box is especially designed for convenient supplement of electrolytic solution ordistilled water.4: One-piece cover and optimum component layouts make easy access and quick service. Moreuptimes and lower costs contribute to satisfy owner's benefit and operator's experience.5: Thanks to sleep model function and low battery voltage alarm function, the energy saving isapparent. It adds up to longer battery service life, and more productivity as well as lower costs.6: The innovative Vertical AC System is capable of providing rapid response, accurate control, impact structure, superior performance and longer battery service life. The AC drive motor adds value by increased maintaining performance. As it is brushless, brush inspection and replacement is eliminated. The sealed design also contributes to enhanced long-term reliability.